What We Do

The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

— Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu


The Yogic collective

We come together to hold a sacred space within which we can clear that which no longer serves us. This allows us to reconnect to our inner light of awareness and to the healing wisdom of our own Soul.

The intention for these sessions is for us to become more present, to become more fully connected and to acquire a deep sense of safety and peace.

Even though we are doing some yoga postures, The Yogic Collective sessions are not yoga classes. The emphasis is on the healing energy we are generating while being guided through the processes to a background of relaxing music.

During the exercises, we witness the effect our habitual thought patterns have on us and how they keep us in separation. They keep us in separation from our bodies, from one another, from the earth and from our Source connection.

Each session has a theme and is structured in the same way. We set our intention, followed by breath work, yoga postures, a journey of inner exploration and relaxation.

It is possible to join the sessions without doing the yoga postures. You could lie down in a comfortable position and join the session in that way.

People of all ages and abilities can join the sessions.