
TEMP IMAGE will be replaced with Caroline’s portrait.

Caroline Mosdell has been teaching yoga since 1992. She trained with Jenny Beeken of the Inner Yoga Trust and has also studied with Angela Farmer, Victor van Kooten and Diane Long. 

Jenny Beeken, Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten’s roots lie in the teachings of Shri. BKS Iyengar.  Caroline trained to be a shamanic healer at The Modern Shaman Academy from 2017 – 2019. 

Caroline is married, has 3 children and 4 grandchildren. She brings the energy of the grandmother to The Yogic Collective sessions and the distance healing she offers. 

She is inspired by collaboration, co-creation, transformation and sustainable living. Caroline’s passion is being in nature, in wide open spaces with far reaching views and bringing as many people as possible together to celebrate everything that can be celebrated; with festivals, friends, family and food. 

Contact for more info.